Friday, September 6, 2013


See these faces? These are the faces of a stressed Maddie in her younger years.

I have never handled stress super well. I kind of get all worked up and worried about little things.

I'm graduating this December and I'm so excited about it! BUT, I still can't get into ONE class this semester. ONE class. Not to mention that it is 1 credit hour and it's half a semester. Who would have thought that such a dinky little class would put my graduation in jeopardy? Not me.

Well, I emailed one teacher who said she couldn't give me an add code because she follows the University Policy of waitlists.  I'm like 11th on the waitlist. Second teacher told me to come to class the first day of school and she'll see what she can do. I went to class and there were people sitting on the floor and standing outside trying to get in. Teacher told me I couldn't be added to the class when there weren't enough seats for the students already in the class. Totally understandable. But still not good.

So I went and saw a counselor. He can't  give out an add code either. He did some emailing, soothed my troubled heart, and told me to wait.

Independent study? Nah, it isn't available through Independent Study yet. Is this kind of becoming comical? It is to me.

So now I wait. Cross your fingers boys and girls. I really just want to graduate!

Second stressor? On the first day of school I didn't have class till 1:00. So I went to work in the morning. Well, while moving a used syringe from my tray I pricked myself! I was totally shocked because the syringe was already capped so there should have been no way I could have been poked by the needle. Upon closer inspection I saw that the needle had bent to the side and WENT THROUGH the side of the cap. I didn't even know that was possible! It must have been a super pointy needle.

So then I had to go to administration and go see a doctor about it all. It had to be reported and I had to get my blood drawn. Worst part? They had to call the person the needle had been used on and have them come back in to have their blood drawn. What a hassle. And so embarrassing. I feel bad I had to make them do that. Would if they are like terrified of getting their blood drawn?

I called Jordan quite stressed and embarrassed about it all. He was super comforting and made me feel better. Then he asked what class I was on my way to.

Stress Management. We both burst out laughing. How appropriate.

It wasn't even by choice that I'm taking that class, it is required for my major! And I have a feeling it is going to have some much needed effects on my life. :)


  1. You little sweetie! I hope those stressers in your life resolve themselves quickly! Here's to peaceful days ahead! Love you!

  2. I have the greatest way to de-stress...a long weekend in the Big Apple. Yes? Yes! Sounds good? Sounds good! I'll be waiting for the JetBlue flight information to pop up in my inbox ;) Love you sis!

  3. Hahaha love this post Maddy! Hopefully they'll just waive the dumb class for you. Good luck!
