Thursday, October 2, 2014


On Monday I went in to the Doctors for my 36 week appointment. While there I was asked to participate in a study done on first time pregnant moms who are healthy with healthy babies. It's a randomized study that will hopefully involve over 6,000 moms and babies around the United States.

50% of moms will be induced at 39 weeks. The other 50% of moms will have no scheduled induction and will be left to go into labor on their own... unless they hit 41 weeks and then they will be induced then. They are looking at how labor and delivery goes as well as the health of the mom and baby months following delivery.

Jordan and I talked with our Doctor a lot about what he thought about it. I like the idea of going into labor on my own and would prefer it that way. It is just better that way. But there is a chance I will never go into labor on my own and the baby will be induced anyway a week late. My Doctor told me that in his own experience first time moms who are induced early have a higher chance of a C-section, totally makes sense. But he also said that many doctors have seen amniotic fluid decrease too much in those last few weeks, decreased placenta efficiency, and a higher chance for meconium passed in the womb. Basically, there are always going to be risks no matter what you do. Having a baby is kind of a big deal!

My Doctor told me he recommends doing the study regardless of his own experiences because there aren't any solid studies out there like this. We really need to know whats best for mom and baby and it's studies like these that help us know.

So, we are participating! Best part? I don't find out if I am being induced a week early until a week before I'm induced.

So this little girl could be coming in less than 2 1/2 weeks! Phew. That sounds crazy. I can't wait to meet her!

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