Friday, April 12, 2013

Christopher's mission call

My little brother, Christopher, received his mission call on Wednesday! His initial call is to serve in the Bangkok, Thailand mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Our family couldn't be more happy! Little brother, you are going to be an amazing missionary.

Here is a short video of the night he opened it up. :)

Christopher mission call - Large from Madelyne Osborn on Vimeo.


  1. Yep, just cried! What a beautiful video!! And did baby James really guess it??? :) He is smarter than us all :)

    1. Thank you, Ash! Yes. James totally guessed it. Chelsie is a baby-talker. ;)

  2. So sweet, I never tire of mission calls, they are totally amazing! Congratulations!

  3. Mad! You will never believe it, but I totally started crying while watching this! hahaha I can't believe Christopher is old enough to go on a mission! I have too memories of him growing up! I just loved this sweet video! You did such a good job editing it. And I it made me love and miss your sweet family. I miss seeing you, Jordan, and your mom and dad! I love you so much and can't wait to catch up on your life in a few short weeks!
    Love you!
    P.S: love that baby James guessed it! Too funny!!
