Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I walked into the house after a long day to find this...

Jordan had cleaned the ENTIRE house. And reorganized some of it too :) I just gahhed.

He also started the process of a graden for me! I have been putting everything I want to grow in pots, but he knew how bad I wanted a real garden. Look how cute it is! This garden is going to be my pride and joy.

Not to mention that he fixed the latch on the shed and the gate and mowed the lawn all nice and pretty.

 Like our splotching lawn? It's a work in progress.

Then he made me some delicious, homemade, wheat bread pizzas.

Now I just get to relax with this guy instead of worrying about a clean house. Thank you, Mr. McKee.

This is happiness, I tell you.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for gardens! I love the way you changed the furniture! Looks super cute!
