Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Two Years!

Happy anniversary to my love!

This weekend Jord and I went up to Park City to celebrate. And we totally spoiled ourselves. We went to Ruth's Chris for dinner (mmmm!!!!!), stayed in an incredible hotel, and had a couples massage. I can't even tell you how good it felt to lay down on my tummy (with a special pillow around the little one)! We had enough hot chocolate for 8 people during our little getaway and enjoyed trying to stay dry in all the rain! It felt so good to get one last getaway before this little munchkin makes her way into the world.

At dinner on Friday night Jord and I started talking about all that has happened since we celebrated our last anniversary. I was amazed remembering it all; the decisions we had to make as a couple, trials we went through, and all the happy moments we've had. A lot has changed and we sure have grown. We are just happy we have grown together and get to grow together for the rest of our lives.

I am so grateful that boy chose me and that I chose him. We are so so so lucky.

So here's some pictures to reminisce on the last year. I wish I had more!!


I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us! Thank you for letting me call you mine, Mr. McKee. I sure love you!


  1. You guys are such a beautiful couple--inside and out! Love love you both. Can't wait for your little baby to arrive!!!
