Thursday, August 7, 2014


After getting back from our perfect family reunion in Sacramento this past week, I got to come home to a glucose tolerance test. From all the horror stories I heard, it was SO much better than I anticipated. You know, a melted outer pop drink. Drink it and we will take your blood. Easy enough.

Throughout this pregnancy I've been told over and over again that I'm normal. In fact, it's gotten a little annoying at times. Things I'm legitimately concerned about when posed to Doctors get the response, "Yep, that's completely normal." I swear my stomach could be ripping in half and I would get that answer. Because that's sure what it has felt like lately with all this growing in my abdomen region.

ANYWAYS. I'm normal. Baby looks normal, my body's changes are normal, the baby is growing normal, my funny symptoms are normal. All normal.

So when I got a call that said I "failed" my glucose tolerance test I was completely shocked. I was told I would have to go back in for another more intensive test. I asked the nurse what I was looking at if I failed this second test. Here's what I was told:

-You would automatically be considered high risk because you would be diagnosed with gestational diabetes. 

-You'd have to meet with a dietician and be put on a special diet.

-You'd have to prick yourself 4 times a day to test your blood and make sure your glucose/sugar levels are stable.

-You would have stress tests each week on the baby.

-The baby would have a weight ultrasound each week to make sure she isn't getting too big.

-But don't worry, you have absolutely no control over this. Some women have it and others don't. There's nothing you can do.

WHAT!? I thought my pregnancy was completely normal!?!

Ah. Anyway, I started fasting last night after dinner. I went into the Doctors this morning where they drew my blood to check my fasting glucose level. It was okay, so they had me chug a lemon-lime glucose drink in front of them. This one had DOUBLE the sugar of the last drink. 100 grams of sugar to be exact. Did you know a king size snickers bar has 27 grams of sugar? Yeah, I about died when I realized I was ingesting that much sugar and it wasn't even yummy. For heavens sake, I would WAY rather eat a king size snickers bar for breakfast than drink that drink. I probably wouldn't want 3 and a half snickers bars for breakfast, but still.

Then they sent me out to the waiting room to wait. The plan was to take my blood once every hour for the next 3 hours. A total of 4 blood draws today. It was 9:19 and I had my whole morning to look forward to starving at the Doctors office. At least there were 3 other women sitting with me going through the exact same thing.

Unfortunately, my visit was cut short when I threw my outer pop drink up. I'll spare you all the details, but my test was considered void. I cried, because this whole thing was traumatizing by itself and the idea of having to come back and do it all over again was horrible.

So, I got in the car and threw up again. I made it to Jords work where he took me home and laid me down for a second only for me to find myself throwing up again. Seriously? I didn't even have morning sickness! The goal was to never throw up this entire pregnancy and I was breaking my streak quickly.

So it's just after 4:30 now and I feel like a complete champ. After lots of SALTY food for lunch my body is much happier.

So, I'm going to just go to Lake Powell next week and forget this all ever happened. Until Monday. :)

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