Monday, July 15, 2013

Before and After

Something drastic just happened.

That's over 10 inches! I've been thinking about cutting my hair for awhile now, but today I just decided to do it.

Crazy! I've never had short hair like this in my life!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Test Subject

This is what my morning consisted of...

I thought I looked so cool that I had them take a picture of me. Hehe. Basically, I was was in an ankle study at BYU. They had me walk around, jump around, and performed all sorts of tests on me. It kind of rocked. Plus- I got $25.00!

If you feel like being a test subject and want to help BYU get research, they still would love volunteers! To see if you qualify, go to this link: 

I wish I could do what they do. Way cool.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This week my boss is out of town. Meaning I get the entire week to fill with projects I've been dying to do!

First on the list? Paint my entire house. Ha. Yesterday we started and I had cute Kelli Gilbert help me out. She has saved my life. I honestly could never do this all without her. Plus-- she's the best to have around and I love her to death.

Anyway, yesterday we cleaned, spackled, and painted the trim! It took longer than we expected but looks BEAUTIFUL! It makes such a different in my house already.

We realized when we were half way through this part of the project I didn't get any before pictures! Whoops. But these are some during pictures.

As you can tell, I've gone through too many sample colors on my wall. And this is only in the front room. It's been a little bit of a stressful decision. But I'm excited to slap some paint on the walls and post pictures up of the final color!

I've collected a bunch of pictures-- but here are a few that are my inspiration. :)